The Foundation works by funding educational programs and opportunities, providing grants for research and awarding scholarships to promising students pursuing an education in architecture. All funds come from donations and bequests from individuals and firms.

The Foundation was established in 1978 by the Connecticut Society of Architects (Connecticut Chapter of the American Institute of Architects) as an independent organization to raise and distribute funds. Over the last forty-five years, over $700,000 in scholarships have been awarded to recipients. All recipients have a connection to Connecticut, which is required. The number of scholarships and the dollar value have increased over the years.

The CAF has had a long-standing relationship with the Architecture Resource Center from the time of its founding as a ‘K-12 Education in Architecture’ program in 1991. Additionally, the Foundation participates in the Connecticut Science Fair, awarding monetary prizes to projects related to buildings and the environment.

Our Mission:
The Connecticut Architecture Foundation raises and awards funds to advance education and professional growth in the field of architecture in Connecticut

Our Vision:
A diverse, thriving community of accomplished and dedicated architectural professionals, practicing in Connecticut and serving the world.


2025 Officers

Nancy Clayton, AIA.
Alan Paradis, RA
Vice President
Ilona Prosol, PE
Robert Golde, FASLA
Robert E. Swain, Jr. AIA
Past President

2025 Directors

Marc Andre, AIA Jay M. Brotman, AIA Thomas M. Haskell, AIA Emily Sperini, AIA
Randall Anway, AIA Michael J. Crosbie, FAIA Neil Hauck, AIA Kermit D Thompson, FAIA Emeritus
F.Michael Ayles, FAIA Tanya Cutolo, AIA Arthur L. Sanders, AIA Emeritus Sue Wyeth, AIA

2025 Directors Emeritus

John P. Franzen, FAIA Stephanie Degen-Monroe, AIA