Tai Soo Kim, FAIA
Born and raised in Korea, Tai Soo Kim, FAIA, came to the United States in 1961 with his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Architecture from Seoul National University to study at Yale University under Paul Rudolph. After graduation from Yale Tai Soo worked with Philip Johnson, opening his own practice, the Hartford Design Group, in 1970.
Tai Soo’s work has earned more than 58 local and national awards, published in national and international publications. Today, his portfolio includes master plans and a wide range of building types, from nationally acclaimed educational facilities to internationally acclaimed corporate and cultural facilities, such as the Harry Jack Gray Cultural Center at the University of Hartford. In 1986, Tai Soo completed the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Seoul. In 1999, he won the commission to design the new U.S. Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia.
Tai Soo has served on Hartford’s Board of Regents and the Advisory Board for the University of Hartford Department of Architecture for two decades, and has funded scholarships. Dedicated to developing the next generation of architects, Kim provides two competitive traveling fellowships for selected graduate students from the University of Hartford Department of Architecture and a Korean institution.
An exhibition of his architecture mounted on the 30th anniversary of the National Museum of Contemporary and Modern Art in Korea. “Tai Soo Kim Retrospective: Working In Two Worlds” celebrated his notable career founded on the design principles of empiricism and rationalism adapted to the varied locations of his works.
TSKP Studio Projects